Jennings Productions, California,
parachutes, locations, skydivers, stunts, skydiving, commercial productions, feature
films, freefall cinematograp JENNINGS PRODUCTIONS hy. stunt coordination, Patrick |
Car #1 gets torched for launch MORE IMAGES Not Dan BC's favorite moment |
Jack Jefferys and Kirk Verner Skyball at sunset over |
The black convertable Honda, Car #4, flew beautifully out the door
of the skyvan and rocked gently through the air, wheels to earth, for around 6,000 feet.
The rocking intensified a bit and then suddenly the backflipped tossing everyone
out. Dan BC and Jack Jefferies hit the windshield, Jack with his arm, and Dan with
his nose. Cars don't give much warning. This car, flown by Airspeed, was about
our finest flying car until it tumbled.